A Parent Teacher Meet was held on 12th June 2018, to discuss the performance of their wards with their parents.
The meeting was chaired by honourable Principal and Correspondent of the college Rev. Dr. Sr. Fathima Rani.P. She enlightened the parents by quoting the famous line, If a Women is educated ,the whole family is educated. The role of the parent, in the success of student’s life was highlighted by her. HOD ,Dept .of Physics - Mr. Ch. Rama Rao’s presentation to the parents about Choice Based Credit System was Crystal Clear.
Dr.J.Prathapa Reddy - HOD, Dept of Statistics, Placement Officer gave in detail, about the fruits of placements, our students are enoying and how the placements are on the increase.
Mrs.R.Sharon Rose Vice Principal and Convener of Parent Teacher Association, presented the curricular and co-curricular Activities and Achievements of the college, in PPT.
The Parent Teacher Association becomes the strong pillar and support,for the smooth functioning of the college.
The meeting was interactive and special appreciation was given by the parents about the Institution.
Parents Meet